Sunday, July 20, 2008


This weekend Jim and I went to Woodland, WA for Jim's Family Reunion. It was held at Jim's sister's home - Pat and Dave Haecker. Jim's 2 brothers came, Paul and David. Annie, Jim's other sister was unable to come. We had yummy food (what family reunion is complete without that?) Everyone brought old family pictures and histories. Information was exchanged. Jim has one of his grandma's lines back to the 1400's.
The family

Haecker Home

Jim and Patty looking at Family History


Pat and Dave, Thanks for hosting!

Family - siblings and wives and Aunt Jane with daughter, Susan

Poster that Pat made for each sibling

Heading home after a fun weekend

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Every year at church girls camp there is a Bishop's Night where the Bishops and their wives are invited to dinner. For the last 2 years, the Bishops have put together a "song" with a message to the girls. This year the message was on Testimony, put to the music of "Under the Sea". The girls from Jefferson Ward were named "Jefferson Sweeties" and they gave Jim a shirt when we got to camp.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


We celebrated the 4th with family, friends, food and 4-wheelers. Everyone had a smile on their face while riding the quads (except for that near head on with Jason and Mike). Kelly and Chris drove up from CA just as we were done BBQ the meat. We played air hockey, some ball games and the little kids got in the brrrr cold pool water. The guys shot clay pigeons with the shotgun. We all had a great time. Hope your 4th was filled with family and fun! kathy and jim

Steve & Adrienne, Abby, Savannah, and Joclyn

Evan and Whitney

Intense game

"Guess WHO won this game?"

Chris, Kelly and Addy and Sophia

Mike, Terah, Paris, Bonn, Preston, Savannah

Pam and Jason &
Abby and Savannah

We missed Crystal, Ryan, Alex and Payton. They were at a reunion in Eastern Oregon for Ryan's mom's side of the family. They had a good time and here are a few pics of their reunion.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


The whole gang

Kathy and Jim at Shasta Lake, June 2008

"I CAUGHT A FISH!!!!!!!"

Kevin and Payton

Jason-Ryan's little brother

Chris says, "Yes, this IS A vacation!"

Coda-water dog and master stick fetcher

Captain Ryan & Second Mate

Sophie and Alex alais "Tom Sawyer"

"Takin' it easy because I broke my toe."

Ready for a boat launch?

Goggles needed at all times



Jim and I decide to make a "techie" move and try out the "blog world". We would love to share and keep in touch with ya all. We hope to hear what's happen in your spot of the world, then you can comment back on the blogspot. So here we go.

We'd love to start with a few pictures from our June gathering at Shasta Lake. It was a blast. Ryan's dad let us borrow his boat and we were in it everyday. We all stayed in 2 cabins. The cabins had a covered porch. We did many fun things, but my favorite part of the day was when our whole family would gather on the porch for our 3 meals each day.