Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Christmas day was a wonderful day. Family and friends make the holiday a great time. Our day began with opening the stockings.

We prepared the Christmas meal. Everyone contributed to the meal so it was nice and easy. Some of us cooked and some of us "licked".

We had our family, minus Chris (he worked) and Kelly's girls were at their dad's house.

We had the Pittman clan, Alex's dad-Trevor and Lindsey, Alex's grandma, aunt, uncle and friends.
And we had the Meyers, Ryan's mom and step-dad; grandma and grandpa to the kids.
We ate a lot of food.
Opened a few gifts.

Watched the movie, "Four Christmases".
Had some after-dinner conversation.
Shot clay pigeons.

Load up those pigeons and"PULL!"
Some pigeons got shot, but I noticed several fir trees also got "trimmed". We had a great Christmas and thanks to everyone that came. Thanks to Grace and Darla for cleaning all the dishes and the kitchen! Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 28, 2009


On the 23rd, the evening after our Autobahn trip, Santa came to Grandpa and Grandma Meyers' house(Ryan's mom). He brought a gift for each kid.
Payton got the Lil' People nativity set. She's had a real infatuation with Baby Jesus this year.
Owen is not so excited to see Santa. He has his face hiding in his blanket.
Owen wouldn't sit in Santa's lap, but he did accept the gift from Santa with Grandpa Chris' help.
Owen did love the candy cane.
At the end, Santa read the kids "The Night Before Christmas".
On the 24th, we picked up Kelly and Dylan from the airport.

We had our Christmas with our kids and grandkids on the 24th. Owen and Payton's pajama tops say, "What Santa doesn't bring me, grandma will".
The Smiths
The Burks, minus Chris. Both Kelly and Crystal have a tradition of giving their kids pajamas on Christmas eve, so they look all cute on Christmas morning.
This is the aftermath.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


On the 23rd, we went to the Autobahn at Hoodoo ski resort. What a fun place for all ages. It was absolutely gorgeous weather and not a breath of wind.
We went with Ryan and Crystal's family and McKenzie, Alex's aunt.
I'm not sure what Alex liked best--the Autobahn or throwing snowballs at unsuspecting family members.
Payton was just plain adorable in her purple snowsuit.
I personally think the Hoodoo autobahn brochure should have this on the front page.
Grandpa had a great time, but when we got home that afternoon, Jim slept from 4:30pm-5:30 the next morning, when he had to get up and go to radiation. We teased him just a little about his "13-hour afternoon nap".
This is what sold me on this place. You and your tube get pulled up the hill by a rope tow. This is Kevin getting a tow. NO walking up the giant hill. Crystal actually did walk up once and said, "Never Again!"
This is the top of the hill. That is 3 Finger Jack mountains to the left of Kevin's head.
There are both single and double-holed tubes. Payton rode behind Crystal.
Alex and Crystal.
Here's a video and photo finish of Jim and Kevin racing down the hill.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Jim is 1/2 way through his daily radiation treatments. He is getting more tired. He goes to bed early and tries to get a nap in on the weekends. Ryan and Crystal's family arrived in Oregon on Sat. and came over on Sunday night. Grandpa did manage to find some energy to play with Payton and Owen. They played with the velcro nativity scene.
He bounced a baby.

Shared secrets.
Payton is taking ballet and showed grandpa a few of her moves.Then she wanted grandpa to try a few ballet moves.

Grandpa LOVES to wrestle with the grandkids.

And we took a pose by the tree and then grandpa headed for bed.

On Tues. the Las Vegas Bowl was played. Jim was cheering for BYU. I was cheering for OSU. If you saw the game, you'll know why I'm refusing to tell you what the final score was. Here's a hint: Evidently Cougars like to eat Beaver or at least chew them up and spit them out.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Jim began tomo radiation on Dec. 3rd. Tomo radiation is able to pinpoint a certain location and "zap" only that area. The area of the pituitary gland is the "target". It is located behind Jim's nose, under and near the base of the brain, below the optic nerves and in between the carotid arteries. This explains why the radiation must be pinpointed and exact. Here is a picture of the machine. You will notice it looks like a CT-scan machine. It does that function also and Jim has a CT-scan at the beginning of every tomo radiation treatment. Then daily calculations are taken and the radiation follows.

Jim comes in and he settles in on the machine's table.

They put his mask on that was made and molded to his cute little face. The rectangle on the side of the mask has a horizontal and vertical line on it. When Jim is settled into position on the table, then a crosshair's lazer light lines up the the horizontal and vertical lines on the mask.

Jim is left alone in the room. The tech comes out and looks at this screen. He begins the CT-scan. The results are shown immediately. Then the tech begins his calculations on the exact location of where the tomo radiation is to be administered. After he has it set, a doctor comes and double checks and makes any changes that he thinks needs to be made. Then the treatment begins. It lasts about 4 minutes. The tomo radiation actually circles around the target area, but Jim doesn't move. So it is "zapping" the new tumor and the old tumor location from different angles. The red circle shows the target area.

There is also a camera in the room, so the tech can see Jim at all times. They also play Jim's requested music while he is being treated. He requested the Eagles, but he is thinking of changing it to The Mormom Tabernacle Choir. They tell Jim that his biggest job is to hold still.
The whole process takes about 20 minutes. Every Wed. he meets with the Dr. afterwards to touch base and get reports of the progress and ask any questions.
5 1/4 weeks left to go. Hang in there Jim.