Thursday, February 24, 2011


We woke up to snow this morning. The weatherman actually got it right. Historically, February is consistently our "weird weather month". We can have really warm days, hail, snow, mega rainy or super cold clear days. I took the first 3 pictures at 7:30 am.

The berry net.
Our new baby trees are probably thinking, "Where's the nursery greenhouse? IT'S COLD OUT HERE!!"

Then I took the next 2 pictures at 8am. You can see there quite a bit more snow just 1/2 an hour later.
I had a feeling the snow was going to be too heavy for the anti deer netting for the berries. Guess we'll be repairing that this weekend.
Although, I can't be too upset. It rarely snows this hard and it is so beautiful.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Jim, Kevin and I planted 40 little Douglas Fir seedlings on Saturday. We ordered them about a month ago, then went to the fairgrounds and picked them up on Saturday morning. We rented a gas powered auger with a 10" drill bit. Jim and Kevin dug 40 holes in less than 2 hours.

I got the seedlings planted in 3 hours.
Here's our "firstborn".
Here's about 30 of the 40 little guys. You have to look hard to see them. Kevin mowed this portion of the field, so the grass wouldn't be higher than the baby trees. As you can see, we are continuing a tree line that goes to the main road. There are about 80 of the full grown trees.

A video of this nifty hole digger. It was awesome!!
I'm sure there a mortality rate for these little seedlings, but I don't know what it is. If all 40 live more than 2 years, I'm going to change my e-mail address to