Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Our friends, the Iversons, invited us to The St. Paul Rodeo on July 4th. They have box seats and we were sitting right on the edge of the arena. They also invited the Carliles. It was so much fun and that ain't no bull . . .

. . . well actually, these ARE bulls.

At the beginning there was a really neat tribute to all the veterans and about our freedoms. It was very touching.

Then the fun began

This is what happens to the calf, when the cowboy remembers his rope.

And what happens when the cowboy forgets his rope.

This is on a replay screen, because I missed it on my camera. The bull got the better of this cowboy, OUCH!!

Young cowboy, young bull.

This was hilarious! The guys in the car have to get a pig, put it in their car and race around the track. They have to do it 3 times, each time with a new pig. It's hard to see, the guys are holding the pig with one arm and driving with the other. Some pigs are better passengers than others.

At the end of each event the 2 girls ride as fast as they can and the winner of that event tries to catch up. Only one winner did.

This was GREAT FUN! Hope your 4th was full of fun, freedom, family, fireworks and good memories.


Kelly and Crystal rode up together on July 1st. They helped me so much for our party, I don't know what I would have done without them. The first thing the grand kids wanted to do was go for a tractor ride. The girl next to Addy is her friend, Victoria. Alex is missing, he came the next day with his dad.

July 2nd, Party Day--first things first, dress in red, white and blue.

We had about 50 guests --- family and

Siblings and

friends came to the party.

Can you think of a better place to eat a popsicle?

We had all kinds of deeeelicious food. This is the neatest Independence Day cake and the cake maker, my friend, Lynn.

mmmmm more food

We had lots of fun things to do. Alex brought his dirt bike.

Quad cruisin'

Shotgun shooting. Crystal, Addy, and Victoria all shot for the first time and I think they each got at least 1 pigeon. Kelly shot before and did good also.

At the end of the day, Rub a dub dub, 3 kiddies in a tub, a Payton, an "O" man and a dirty "D" boy.

2nd of July fireworks, with Alex, Crystal and me.

Loaded up and ready to drive home on July 4th.

Thanks soooo much for coming and for all your wonderful help!!!!!