As I said in my last blog, here is Chapter two of the 1st week in April, 6th-11th. We got home from Utah on Monday night. Kelly and her kids had flown to Oregon on the previous Friday. They were at our house for 4 days visiting with friends and the girls went to stay with their dad. Dylan had lots of firsts this week, first teeth, first airplane ride, first trip to grandpa and grandma's house, first trip to the coast and first time in a swimming pool. We were glad to share in lots of his "firsts".
Jim and I weren't here to greet the grandkids, so I set up Easter baskets for all of them. If they couldn't see grandma and grandpa, at least they had SUGAR.
Crystal's family arrived in Oregon the same day we got back from Utah. The following day, we loaded everybody up and headed for the coast. We went to Lincoln City. It has the best tide pools and we can drive our vehicle right onto the beach. Unfortunately, it was not a good weather day as you can see by the "Arctic" outfit Crystal is wearing, and the look on Payton's face and the brim on Dylan's hat. Brrrr, cloudy, cold and windy, but at least no rain.
So we created our "wind break" with the 2 cars and built one sand castle in between the vehicles. I walked to the ocean's edge and swiftly returned to the cars.
I cuddled up with both baby boys and kept them out of the wind. It was a "tough job", but someone had to do it.
After we decided we had enough wind, sand and cold, we went and found a motel. We stayed at the Ashley Inn. An indoor pool was a must and they had one.
Actually, it had a hot tub and indoor "salt water" pool. That was quite interesting because earlier in the day Payton asked Crystal to swim in the ocean. Crystal told her it was too cold.
Payton said, "I want to swim in a warm ocean." And so that is exactly what we did!(minus the waves)
First time in a swimming pool for both boys. They liked it and grandpa too! Notice the mohawk hairdo we gave the boys. Owen also cut his 2 teeth about a week before Dylan.
Owen and Dylan loved their first pool experience, but it wore them out.
After the swim we hit "Mo's" for a yummy halibut dinner. They are a major "hot spot" at the beach. Kelly and Crystal paid for dinner, thank you girls!
The next day we went shopping at the Outlet Mall. I tell you, those girls KNOW how to SHOP!
Payton, Sophia and I went to the Salt Water taffy store, mmmmmm good!
After we got home, grandma offered to bathe those adorable baby boys in the kitchen sink. There are few things in this world that smell better than a fresh-bathed baby. We were lucky enough to have TWO.
This is Penny and her granddaughter, Lita with Sophia. Penny was Sophia's day care provider when they lived in Albany. Both Sophia and Penny love getting to see each other now and then. Penny came to our house for lunch and we all had a very nice visit.
Addy and Richelle were neighbors when Kelly's family lived in Albany. They remain good buddies and had a sleep over at our house the last night everyone was here.
Alex spent most the time with his dad, so I went over to their house to spend a little time with Alex. We colored eggs.
Here's some cute pictures that just made me go "Awww", I miss 'em already.