Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We always refer to February in Oregon as the "teaser" month. The weather generally ranges from 60 degrees to the teens. Most often it snows on the valley floor (which it didn't do this year). It teases us with spring-like days. We get all excited about the sunshine and the piercing blue skies and just about the time we are getting used to the beautiful weather, THEN the rain comes back . . . for about 4 more months. This is Mt. Jefferson, our backyard view.
The mix of sun and rain got the grass a growin'. This is our first mowing this year.
The little plants that have been hiding underground start to appear.We get excited about starting outdoor projects. Kevin did some major tree cutting and trimming in the woods. Jim and I helped a little, but Kevin did most of it. It went from this mangled mess of limbs and blackberries tangles to . . . .
this lovely path in a nice grove of trees.
We have 2 old cars that were dumped here years and years ago. One looks like this
and the other one. Kevin cut away all the fallen logs and tangled blackberries on this one. We hope to haul them away this summer, but they are next to the creek and down in a hole. It will be quite a project.
Jim and I planted a few fruit trees. It will be years before we see fruit, but ya gotta start somewhere.
Unwanted weeds start growing with a vengence. I sprayed about 24 gallons of roundup in 3 days.
On these warms days, we start seeing our little friends around the yard.
And we all know the saying, "All work and no play . . . . " So we took out the shotgun and did some playing. I even gave it a shot, but my clay pigeons came down whole. I need more practice and a shorter barrel.
With every passing gorgeous day, we have THAT question in the back of our mind, "When are the gray days of rain going to return?" And today was that day. Hope you are enjoying the signs of spring and the beauties of this earth that have been created for us.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Last weekend, Feb 4-8, Kevin and I went to CA. Jim stayed home because of his load at work. Addy let me stay in her room, thanks Addy.

Sophia shared her room with Addy. Sophia is really good at entertaining Dylan. She pushes him about 100 miles an hour through the house in his Tonka truck.Kevin and I got to CA on Thurs. night. The next morning was Crystal's birthday. She turned the BIG 30. Kelly and I drove to her house in the morning. I was going to surprise her at home, but instead we caught her taking Alex to school. She was just starting to drive down the street and I started driving down her side of the street, head on. She thought, "What is this crazy person doing?" Then as I got closer, she realized it was her crazy mom. SURPRISE!!

I think Ryan got her this massive balloon bouquet.
So I spent the day with Crystal at her house. That night Ryan took her to the City Cafe, her favorite dining place. Kelly and I watched the kids at Kelly's house. Earlier in the day, Kevin detailed the inside of Crystal's car.
After their dinner, they came to Kelly's house to pick up the kids and Kelly made Crystal a birthday cake and Crystal opened her presents.
Chris had to work that night, but came off the road for a little bit to wish Crystal a Happy Birthday.
The next day, Sat., I went to Alex's Basketball game. Ryan is coaching the team.
Good defense.
That night, Ryan hosted a birthday party with all their friends. There were about 2 dozen friends and 10 kids. It was really nice.

It was Kelly's birthday a week ago. She turned 32. Isn't this a cute picture?!

Here's a few of the party guests. This is Mike and Mary. They live next door to Ryan and Crystal. They have Ryan and Crystal and the kids over every Tues. night with their kids for a family dinner. They have been so nice!
Matt and ChristiKyle and Kelly
Theo and Kasandra, they drove up from LA
Alex and Sophia got in the hot tub. Alex wouldn't be that happy if he could see the "ears" that Sophie had put up behind him. The party was fun. I went back to Kelly's about 10, but the final party guests left at 3 am.
The next day was Super Bowl Sunday. Chris and Kelly hosted the event. Kelly made tons of food, but before the Saints fans arrived, Chris took Kelly on a motorcycle ride.
Va roooooooooom

Kelly and Crystal give the "spread" a taste.
Alex listens to the National Anthem with his heart covered.
The Super Bowl Saints fans. Goooooo, fight, win!! And they DID!
Monday morning, Kevin and I headed home. Before we did, I gave the kids and grandkids their
Valentines from Jim and I.

Kevin and I lucked out going both directions on the pass, rain on the way down and dry on the way back. We had a great time surprising Crystal, going to Alex's BB game, watching the Saints win the Super Bowl and playing with grandkids. I love ya all,

and miss you already.