Monday, January 17, 2011


As Kevin has been clearing brush, blackberries, limbing and cutting trees, he has found about a dozen springs. This one is the most active. Last summer we trenched a path to the pond. You can see the spring in the foreground, trenches on both sides and the pond in the upper left, just beyond the trees.

It just amazes me that it can just come up out of the ground, with such force.

This weekend, Jim and I went to a 2-hour outdoor class in the rain. It was in Eugene at Thistledown Farms. It was on pruning fruit trees and blueberries. The information and handout were very good and we learned a lot standing in the rain and mud with our umbrellas.
I forgot to bring my camera to Thistledown Farms, but I want to go back in the spring. The place had a big country barn store and in Fall they have a pumpkin patch event.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Kevin's face has gone through some big changes. This was his face 2 years ago.

This has been his face for the last year.
He decided to get rid of the facial hair. This was the beginning.

And this is what he looks like now. He such a handsome guy.


Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sophie turned 10 years old on Jan. 8th. We stole the 3 grandkids from their dads on Tues., the 4th to celebrate Sophie's birthday. We went to the bowling alley and bowled a few games, ate dinner and played in the video game room.

Addy brought along her new Christmas present, the I-touch. As you can see Alex and even grandpa had to play with it while waiting their turn to bowl.
We had fun in the video game room.

We had cupcakes and
presents. Sophie got an American Doll for Christmas and this present is for the doll.
Afterward, the girls' dad wasn't home yet, so we dropped in on Penny. She used to be Sophie's daycare provider. Sophie loves to go visit her when Sophie comes to Oregon. We had a nice visit with Penny, catching up on old times.
Happy Birthday double digit girl. At 10 years old, you passed me up in height, but I still love you, grandma.
Sophie playing Sophie almost getting a spare.

Sophie scores on grandpa.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


We woke up Christmas morning at Ryan and Crystal's house.

Then went to Chris and Kelly's house for about an hour, to see what Santa brought them and their other gifts.

Some of the grandkids goodies.

Christmas afternoon, we went with Crystal's family to Ryan's parents house for a yummy Christmas feast.
and then relaxed
and watched "Despicable Me".
It was a wonderful Christmas week in CA. Thank you to the Smiths and Burks for putting us up. On the 26th we headed back to OR with the 3 oldest grandkids so they could spend the next 2 weeks with their dads.
Hope your Christmas was good and as fun as ours. Happy New Year!!!


We had the Coverstone Christmas on Christmas eve, so both of the girls could have Christmas Day with their in-laws. Here's our cute Christmas crew.

First, the grandkids opened the presents from Jim, Kevin and I.
The adults drew a name at Thanksgiving to give a present to at Christmas. Kelly drew my name and she gave me this cute handmade apron and "Minute to Win It" Wii game.
We ate a delicious lunch.
And had some major R & R in the afternoon.
In the evening, Kelly's kids got to open 2 presents from their parents--the traditional Christmas PJs and these Coke bottles to start saving their spare change. Chris had one that he'd been saving in for about 20 years and it had almost $900.00 in it!
On Christmas eve night, we went back to Crystal's house and the kids set out Santa's plate. Milk, cookies, and a carrot for the reindeer.
And then they were all nestled and sound in their beds, waiting for Santa's arrival. They all slept together on Christmas eve night in Payton's room.


It's a yearly tradition to frost sugar cookies for Santa. Adults and kids really get into this activity.
It's a happy time. (sugar is a recipe for fun)

"You are going to leave all these bowls of frosting and candies right in front of me . . . where I can reach them? I like this Santa cookie tradition!"
"I get to use a real knife."
Everybody has their own technique and style for cookie decorating. Some are very precise.

Some are careful and meticulous.
Some very artistic.
And some just like to eat 'em!


One day we stayed close to home and hung out at the park by Crystal's house. Little brother likes to copy big brother.

Grandpa built forts with the grandkids.

Owen and I went for a walk in his neighborhood to check out the Christmas lights. All of us also drove to a neighborhood by Kelly's house that has tons of lighted houses.
The reason for the season. Merry Christmas!
Another thing we did, while we were hanging out, was listen to Sophia play the violin. Sophia is beginning violin lessons at school. It's the first time we got to listen to her play. She had a violin recital a few days before we got there. You'll recognize what she's playing