Kelly's family and their friends the Harris' and Cordle's went to Disneyland.
A little Sophie "sugar" in the teacup.
They also went to Universal Studios.
Dylan fell in the fountain at Universal and visited Urgent Care. Super glued the chin.
Crystal's family went to the Oregon Zoo with Alex's dad and family and Ryan's brother, Matthew.
McKenzie with Owen at Lake Billy Chinook. They were in Bend staying with Jessica's family and went here for the day.
Payton learned to paddle board on Lake Billy Chinook.Swimming with friends in Albany. Crystal's family made a couple of trips to Oregon in July.
When Kelly's family came for our July party, Sophie bought her new smart phone with her own earned money. "Suri" rarely leaves her hand.
We also went to the beach while they were here.
Later in the month, we met up with Kelly again in Grant Pass. We had Alex with us and we kept her girls. Kelly went up to Albany for a wedding. This is the hotel pool. I told them to stand on their heads all at the same time and I'd take a picture. It took about 20 tries for them to do it simultaneously.
We had fun with an underwater camera.
Next day we went on the Hellgate Jet Boat rides.
This is Hellgate Canyon. Several movies have been filmed here, like Gunsmoke and Rooster Cogburn.
Ready to go. Yes, that is us on the front row. Jim starts to walk to back of the boat and the 3 grandkids plant themselves on the front row, so here we are.
It's a blast when they pull a 360 turn in the middle of the river. A wall of water comes up around you and there's a lot of screams, both of delight and horror.
They fed us "all you can eat" lunch at the beautiful outdoor patio behind where the kids are. Salad, rolls, BBQ chicken, potatoes, cobbler, mmmmmm
After the jetboats, we went to Wildlife Images. A place where they help hurt animals. Sometimes they go back in the wild and other times, this becomes their home. We asked if they'd keep our 3 "wild animals", but no such luck.
Jim's favorite-Clark the Cougar. Just his tail weighs 30 lbs. We stood this close, only the double screen between us and him. We could hear him purring (probably thinking how good we'd taste for dinner).
This is a movie star. This little otter was in "Evan Almighty". There were lots of other animals, bears, wolves, eagles, bobcat, and many others.
After leaving the Grants Pass area, we headed home. We took the girls to Silver Creek Falls.
There's something neat about walking under a waterfall. You can see the trail in between the rock wall and the green hillside.
Other July fun. Addy drove the tractor by herself. No bucket or mower attached, but still plenty big to maneuver.
Alex finally passed up mom, uh oh.
Payton and the other grandkids spent several hours one afternoon catching, tadpoles, frogs and 1/2 frogs from our pond. They named them, tried to convince us they could "keep them and take good care of them", but at the end of the day the frogs were back to their home in the pond, which made us all happy.
Payton's great accomplishment was learning to ride her bike with no training wheels and she did it before she turned 6.
Summer is 1/2 over, it is flying by too quickly!