Sunday, July 20, 2008


This weekend Jim and I went to Woodland, WA for Jim's Family Reunion. It was held at Jim's sister's home - Pat and Dave Haecker. Jim's 2 brothers came, Paul and David. Annie, Jim's other sister was unable to come. We had yummy food (what family reunion is complete without that?) Everyone brought old family pictures and histories. Information was exchanged. Jim has one of his grandma's lines back to the 1400's.
The family

Haecker Home

Jim and Patty looking at Family History


Pat and Dave, Thanks for hosting!

Family - siblings and wives and Aunt Jane with daughter, Susan

Poster that Pat made for each sibling

Heading home after a fun weekend


The Smith Family said...

Looks like a good time Mom. Was that Cory in the photo? He looks old!!! I still think of him being like 6. :) Patty's house is beauitful!

The Smith Family said...

or beautIful!

Adrienne said...

You're having a busy summer.

Thanks again for hosting us on the 4th. We had a great time!

JasPam said...

What a fantastic reunion the Coverstone family sponsored! Jim's sister's home looks awesome amidst the trees in "Woodland" Washington. What a great location for your event. We're trying to get a reunion on our calendars with my siblings, and it's a difficult thing to do--just finding a date a year or two out that works for everyone!