Sunday, August 3, 2008


I took Addy and Sophie to the zoo last week. Kevin went along. The animal were cool because of the cool temperatures. They seem to be more active when it is not so hot outside. We ate elephant ears and had a cool time.

Sophie, it's a good thing you are not fish food.

Warning: Speedy sea lion to the right.

The boars were not boring.

No rhino worries here.

2 cute short necks and 1 loooong neck.
ZZZZZZZebra takin' a few zzzzzzzzzzzz's

Hunter's holiday, not shootin' here.
These were magnificent!

How do you measure up? Kevin-almost as tall as
a grizzly bear. Addy almost as tall as a black bear.
And Sophie as tall as a sun bear.


ljcalif said...

very cute! loved the bear compare!!

The Smith Family said...

I love the Portland Zoo. It's the best! I want an elephant ear... yummmmm! The bear pic is definitely depicting the height in our family. Notice we're not photoed Mom? :)