Tuesday, October 28, 2008


On Monday, our family cat of 17 years died. He hadn't been feeling well and he passed away in his sleep. We are positive that he used all nine of his lives. He is the last of the Coverstone's menagerie of pets. He outlasted numerous fish. One fish was led to an early death because Blackjack knocked over the fish bowl and . . . well, you can guess the rest. He outlived the 4 generations of gerbils; Blackjack would have loved one of those tasty, yet furry little fellows. He outlived Crystal's chicken, June; which was pretty amazing since she lasted 8 years. He outlived good ol' Bernard, the crazy dashhound that loved tormenting Blackjack to no end. Bernard taught Blackjack patience; but occasionally Blackjack's patience would end with a big YELP from Bernard. Let us not forget 4 years ago, when I catnapped the old neighborhood's cat, when Blackjack went missing from Kelly's house. He looked so much like Blackjack, right down to the missing front tooth. Good thing the real Blackjack showed up back at Kelly's house. The German Shepherds, across the street, are actually scared of Blackjack. They came over one day and Blackjack was outside, he began to approach them, they stopped, then turned and went back home.. Blackjack was many things to each of our family members. Here he is as our new kitten, 17 years ago. We got him from the animal humane center, where the kids picked him out. We named him Blackjack and it seemed to fit him.Blackjack "guarding" the hen house.
Blackjack, the skater cat.
He celebrated the holidays with us, (Halloween candy)
Heat seeker
Found creative places to nap.
Blackjack, the child entertainer. He pretends that he doesn't like to be petted, but then . . .

He Does!!

We were happy to have such a good cat and may he rest in peace among the grand firs in our back yard.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dylan is starting to let out some pretty cute grins.
And downright big toothless smilesBaby Owen shows off his 19 day old smile.


Chris and Kelly's Albany friends came for the weekend. Julia Cordle and Anna Harris. It was a quick trip, but fun for all.Their husbands, James Cordle and Andy Harris.
Chris' mom and grandma also came to visit the next week. This is a special photo.
Four generations. Guylene, Pam, Chris and Dylan.


DYLAN: "Owen, I can hear ya, but I can't see you."

OWEN: "I'm right here, can you believe what our mothers have done, just to get a cute picture!"
DYLAN: "My mom told me it was Grandma Kathy's fault, she wanted this picture of us."

DYLAN: "Just relax, this photo shoot will be over soon."

OWEN: "Good advice, I'll just relax."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Kevin turned 26 on Tuesday. He's had a nice birthday at Red Lobster, his favorite resturant. packed away a peach pie instead of birthday cake. He made a pretty good haul on the gifts too.

Monday, October 20, 2008


These pictures are a few weeks old, but still aborable, if I do say so myself. Do Jim and I look happy?? You bet we are!!!

Addy, Sophia and Dylan

Alex, Payton, and Owen
Grandpa Jim's and Grandma Kathy's Six SweetiesBurks Family
Smith FamilyDylan cuddles with Addy

Are you my big brother???
Dylan in his hungry catapillar outfit


Ryan and Owen -- GO BEAVS
Thanks for putting Owen to sleep . . . and yourself.

Owen zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Jim and I spent Saturday working in the yard, trying to finish up yard projects before the winter rains set in. We cut off about 50 good size fir tree and about 30 tiny fir trees, from our ditch which is about a quarter of a mile long. These are unwanted "deer planted" trees. We also got our 10-foot burn pile turned into ashes and some other minor yard projects done.
DITCH BEFORE: DITCH AFTER:We found a new way to use an extention ladder, so our feet didn't cause hill erosion.
One of the cutest "lumberjacks" that I know.
Bring your marshmellows and hot dogs, our burn pile is quickly disappearing.
That red line is a "red devil tornado" extending from the fire. (HOT!)
A good day's work done . . . "Where the Aleve I need muscle pain relief?"

Friday, October 17, 2008


We went to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch with Kelly, her kids and Alex. Every year Kelly and Crystal send us pictures of their trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch, but this year we got to take the kids and go along. It is a wonderful and fun place to go. Except for nursing twice, this is how Dylan spent most of his time at the patch (Next year will be a different story). Picture perfect pumpkin pretties.

Now, that's a big pumpkin!


There was a train. ALL ABOARD!

Two cute "calves" ready for the fun market.
Panning for gold (marbles) with a real pan.
Several cool sliiiiiiides . . .and cool sliders.
This slide came out of the side of a barn. On the second floor of the barn there was a maze. Everyone and I mean everyone could hear Grandpa Jim chasing his grandkids through the maze. I am not sure who enjoyed it more, grandpa or the grandkids.
Grandpa also set a "good example" for going down the slide.

A 3-story tree house was treeeemendous.
The petting zoo had cute animals. Some we petted . . .
and some we didn't.
Once a policeman, always a policeman.

Alex was "on the go at Bishop's Pumpkin Patch"!
Addy is a "tall drink of water" at 12 years old.
Great place to go hiding, climbing, and chasing after grandkids.
Guess who??