Sunday, October 19, 2008


Jim and I spent Saturday working in the yard, trying to finish up yard projects before the winter rains set in. We cut off about 50 good size fir tree and about 30 tiny fir trees, from our ditch which is about a quarter of a mile long. These are unwanted "deer planted" trees. We also got our 10-foot burn pile turned into ashes and some other minor yard projects done.
DITCH BEFORE: DITCH AFTER:We found a new way to use an extention ladder, so our feet didn't cause hill erosion.
One of the cutest "lumberjacks" that I know.
Bring your marshmellows and hot dogs, our burn pile is quickly disappearing.
That red line is a "red devil tornado" extending from the fire. (HOT!)
A good day's work done . . . "Where the Aleve I need muscle pain relief?"

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