Monday, July 6, 2009


Jim and I spent 4th of July weekend in Yuba City with the girls' families. We drove down on Wed. and came home on Sunday. We love the U. S. of A. for many reasons. We love the independence to travel freely. We love the freedom to go see our grandchildren. The 3 older grandkids are in Albany with their dad's for the summer. So just the 3 little ones were in Yuba City. We had a great time with them. We went to the park by Crystal's house.
Grandpa chases Payton all over the park and she loves it.
Swinging is her thing.
Building legos, taller than Payton!

Playing princesses with Papa.
Keeping track of 2 busy boys.

Owen and Dylan are getting so big. There is only a few pounds difference, but Owen is shorter. Check out the difference in their arms and thighs.
They are learning all sorts of new tricks everyday. Dylan can pull himself up to furniture and crawl.
Owen can sit up, army crawl and . . .

give his "Jimmy Carter" smile. Ryan's mom said Ryan used to give the same smile. He also learned to say "Papa" on the day we left. Papa Jim was so excited.
For the 4th of July, we did lots of fun things.

Went to the boat races.

Went swimming at Ryan's dad's house.

Took pictures in our red, white and blue outfits.
Ate, ate, and ate some more. Mike, Ryan's dad hosted a 4th of July feast. Ribs, corn, potatoes, bread, salad, pies. I am getting full just remembering how delicious it all was.
Then we went to Grass Valley to watch the fireworks. James and Julia Cordle were also visiting Kelly's family for the weekend. We enjoyed their company.

Where's the fireworks?

Ohhh, there they are.

The 4th with the family and friends is fabulous.

Hope your 4th was fun!!!


The Smith Family said...

Sooooo good to have you here! We miss you already....

Kelly Burks said...

We are so glad you guys came. It was a ton of fun fun fun.