Monday, August 17, 2009


On August 18, 1996, Addison Taylor was born. She was a sweet baby and had the chubbiest kissable cheeks that you have ever seen. Today, she turns 13 years old and is a teenager.

She is so easy going and all her grandparents love her to bits.

Grandpa Jim
Grandma Mary
Grandpa Steve
Chris' parents, Pam and Bob
When Addy was almost 4 1/2, she became a big sister. Sophia Marie was born in January. Addy was very excited to have a baby sister.

In March of 2009, Addy got braces. So far it's going pretty good.
Addy loves to drive anything with 4 wheels. She's been driving our car on our laps since she was about 7. She drove on our cul de sac and in the field. At about 10 her legs got too long to sit on our laps, so she started driving with us in the passenger seat. Little did we know she'd get the "driving bug".

She likes gymnastics. Nice handstand Addy!!
She loves shopping.

She enjoys her friends-talking, texting, phoning, sleepovers, shopping and all those fun things girls love to do with their friends.

In 2007, Kelly married Chris and Addy and Sophia gained a great stepdad. Hard to tell by this picture, but he's a good guy.And in 2008 Addy and Sophia became big sisters.
She's a fantastic big sister and if Dylan could talk, he would tell you so.

Kelly, is Addy getting taller than you??
Addy, we love you soooo much and we are proud of you. You are a wonderful first granddaughter and we have enjoyed seeing you grow into a beautiful teenager.
Love, grandpa Jim and grandma Kathy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today, August 13th, our first grandson turns 11 years old. Here's some pictures that make us realize just how fast time flies by. It doesn't seem that long ago that he was this cute little almost-bald-headed, blue-eyed-baby boy.
His first haircut tickled his nose.

Cute cousin picture. When Alex was born, Addy was almost 2 and all she could say was, "Addy hold baby. Addy hold baby."

One year birthday party at Daddy Trevor's house.
He liked the cake! Too cute for words.
Preschool at Maple Lawn.

First Halloween, a bee.
4 year old fireman.

9 year old Ninja.

He has always been a good helper for his mom.

He likes all kinds of sports. He has been doing martial arts since he was 6.

He likes baseball, Ryan coached the team.
Fishing. Actually he likes "catching" the fish better than just fishing.

Golf. Ryan gave him his own set of clubs.
Bowling. He gets a pretty high score and can really send that ball down the alley.
Soccer. Fall and Spring.

Swimming and anything to do with water.
Video games. Are they a sport? Yes they are, the way Alex plays them-with determination.
He loves his dog, Coda.
And he really enjoys science.

He loves spending time with his dad.

And he is the best big brother that anyone could have. Payton and Owen and Kelsey (Trevor's daughter) absolutely adore him and he is so kind and nice to them.

We All love you soooooooo much!!

You have grown up to be such a nice young man and we are proud of you.

Happy Birthday Alleyboy! Love, grandma and grandpa