Thursday, August 6, 2009


August 5, 2006, Payton Coverstone Smith was born. She was a very sweet blessing.
She started out small, but it didn't take long to gain the pounds.

She has celebrated some fun holidays. Halloween '06
'07 '08
Thanksgiving '06

Christmas '06


Easter '07

She's always been the center of attention (which she doesn't mind).

Her pets love her too.

She's made some milestones already in her life, like walking
potty training

learning to swim
becoming a BIG sister

and getting her ears pierced.
Yes, you have come a long way, baby 6 months
1 year
2 years
and now a big 3 year old!
Happy Birthday Payton!! We love you--Grandpa Jim and Grandma Kathy

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

So cute Mom. I wanted to do a post like that, but havent found the time. I enjoyed yours. She's grown so much!