Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Kevin was born on October 21, 1982. His 2 sisters were actually excited when he was born.

6 months old, he was a good baby.
First campout, 10 months old at Camp Alpine.
Kevin turns 1.
Caught his first fish, 3 years old.
3 years old.
Halloween, 5 years old. I tried to find a picture of him on his favorite holiday, but I couldn't. 4th of July is his favorite holiday . . . fireworks. He was a big Pyromaniac.

Crystal 4th grade, Kevin 1st grade. Kevin passed his "big" sister up in height. Actually he passed me up when he was in the 5th grade.
Kevin loved his bike. He made this "jump" with some firewood. He had great fun with it until he did a 180 and knocked the wind out of himself. He took the jump apart later the same day.

6 years old and toothless.

He played soccer and basketball when he was in elementary school.
When Kevin turned 8, he joined Cub Scouts. He loved the Pinewood Derby.

He won third, second, and first place in consecutive years.5th grade, gettin' bigger.
At 12 he became a Boy Scout.
And later an Eagle Scout.

Jim went to camp with him every year and lots of other campouts. Kevin earned many Merit Badges.

Here they are packed up for Camp Cooper.
Good thing they remembered all the "essentials".

Kevin did his Eagle Project at Simpson Park. He organized and made a path to one of the lakes.Kevin also liked karate.

He mowed lawns and earned enough money

to buy his own golf clubs. He also worked at the golf course for a few years.

A few Senior pics.

He a good brother, but he drove his sisters crazy in his younger years
He's a good uncle and even babysits sometimes.
He likes living in the country. Throwing clay targets for Jim and shooting also.
He is a Super helper both inside and outside. He has cleared so much brush and trees this summer, it's incredible.
He really enjoys playing and singing with the guitar. He learns how on the computer.

He is hoping to go to school this winter. He's a good son and happy birthday, love mom and dad


The Smith Family said...

Kevin was a cute kid! What happened? Ha! Just kidding Kev. Great post Ma!

Kelly Burks said...

Happy Birthday Kev. Shave that beard so we can see your cute face again! And Mom, didn't Kevin learn to ride a two wheel bike when he was like 2 or something crazy like that?