Saturday, November 7, 2009


Happy Birthday Ryan on Nov. 8th!! Here's Ryan on game day, early in the season '09. Ryan LOVES the OSU Beavers. In fact on his birthday weekend he went to see the Beavers play the Bears in the Bay Area. He went with Crystal and Kelly and Chris and other friends.

Beaver fans -- like father, like son.

Ryan is a great husband

and family man.

He is a super dad!
He takes an interest in and spends lots of time with the kids.

He is loved by all his family members! His mom and Chris
His dad and Virginia
and his in-laws (lookin' like outlaws in this pic) His brothers and sisterHis brother-in-laws and sister-in-law

His nieces and nephew

Ryan takes his family to all sorts of fun places and they love him for it.

Ryan, we'd say we hope you have a great birthday, but we know you will at the football game and spending the night in the Bay Area. Happy Birthday and we love you, Jim and Kathy


The Smith Family said...

So sweet Mom. Sorry I never got those baby pics to you. I am a flake. I forgot. Very exceptional post anyway! :)

The Smith Family said...

Thanks so much Kathy! We had such a great time at the Beaver game and thanks for the cash, too. Love you guys! Ryan