Sunday, April 4, 2010


We made 2 trips to this wonderful place in Buena Vista called Wings of Wonder. Kevin and I took Payton and Owen on Mar. 31st. Then Jim and I took Addy and Sophia on April 2nd. It is a butterfly house. It's 80 degrees inside and very humid, but so beautiful. 400 butterflies fly freely all about while you watch and sometimes get to hold them. The garden they fly in has gorgeous plants and trees and a little pond with frogs in it. Baby quail play hide and seek among the plants. And at then end, there is a reptile house, no touching allowed there, thank goodness.

Check out my sleeve.
This little "bum rider" stayed on Jim almost the whole time we were there.

At first Sophia wasn't too sure about touching the butterflies, but then she liked it.Addy loved every minute.
The butterflies are on the walkways, so you have to be careful with every step.
Payton was amazed.
Owen was curious.
Kevin was on "Owen watch" to make sure there wasn't any butterfly casualties.I would love a garden greenhouse like this.



We had a great time and recommend this wonderfully fun place to anyone.


Kelly Burks said...

That's so cool. I'm glad Sophia warmed up to the idea and enjoyed it. And it doesn't surprise me that Addy loved it from the beginning. Maybe it will still be there the next time we come up

The Smith Family said...

So cute Mom. Thanks for taking the kids to enjoy it! I want to go next time! :)