Sunday, May 30, 2010


Crystal, Payton and Owen came to visit from May 7-17. It was fun to have them here!!
They were here for Mother's Day.
They came for several birthdays. They surprised Grandma Darla.
Lucy turned 1.

Payton's best friend, Annie had a ballerina party and she turned 4. Also grandma Grace had a birthday, but I didn't get a picture.
We did fun things while they were here. We rode Amtrak up to Salem. Kevin dropped us off in Albany and then picked us up in Salem.

After Kevin picked us up, we went to Salem Riverfront Park. There's a carousel.

And a big park.

Another day, we went to Lincoln City. It was a bit cold, but we had fun (Crystal are your teeth chattering?)

Payton liked it.
And so did Owen. He liked playing in the water

and sand
and just running free.

Another day, we went to the zoo. Payton invited her other friend Maddie (Lucy's sister) and their mom, Nicole.

When we weren't doing trips, we hung around just relaxing at the park, (sorry ducks, no bread today)

Give this boy a hose and he will play for hours.
Grandpa gave him a ride on the little John Deere.

But he liked the real thing better.

And he knew just what to do. First he reached for the key, then the throttle.

In the garden, Payton and Owen planted some pumpkins. I am growing them and maybe I'll be able to deliver them by October.

We sure had fun while they were here!! Thanks for coming!


The Smith Family said...

Thanks for having us! We had a lot of fun while we were there, time just flew by! Thanks for keeping us entertained! See you TODAY! :)

JSC said...

My, what beautiful children and happy grandparents. I really liked the looks of the train ride.
