Thursday, June 24, 2010


We got a trampoline at the end of last summer. We didn't get the area cleared to put it down until this year. Trying to find a 15' FLAT square piece of ground on this 10 acres in such a challenge.(Actually finding a 15" flat square piece of ground is a challenge) Anyway, we finally got it up and asked Sophia to spend the night. I picked her up at her dad's house. It began to hail thumbnail size hail. They were huge. By the time I got home, there was hail on the ground and no electricity. So we drove back into town, had dinner and came home. Sophia took bath towels out and dried off the trampoline and talked Grandpa Jim into jumping with her. They had fun.

Sophia enjoyed being the FIRST grandchild to jump on the new trampoline.
Can't wait to get the other grandkids out here. Maybe the weather will cooperate better.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Looks like fun! Im sure Alex would like to be the 2nd grandchild to jump on the trampoline! :)