Sunday, June 20, 2010


We had an interesting Sunday last week, June 13th. Jim was released from being the Bishop of our Ward. He served for 5 years and a few months. He was extremely busy, but he loved doing it. He usually doesn't get home from doing his Bishop duties until about 2 or 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Last Sunday, I got home about 12:30. He jumped out into the living room, with his jeans on and said, "HAH, I beat you home!!!" Then he ate lunch, read the Sunday paper and went on the patio and just sat there for about 45 minutes. It is bitter sweet, he loved serving, but he felt a big burden lifted, upon being released.
Today, June 20th is Father's Day. Jim and I drove to church in the same car and sat together in church. It was nice to be together again on Sunday. Yesterday, I went to the local fruit stand for the first time this season, to get some strawberries. Check our this huge one. We have had the rainiest spring in 50 years and the coldest spring in 60 years. All the crops are late, but the batch of strawberries I got were worth waiting for, mmmmmmmmmmmgood!!!
I made Jim salmon and deviled eggs, 2 of his favorites for Father's day. Plus angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. You can tell by the smile on his face, he's delighted about the dessert.
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers. Hope your day was special! jim and kathy

1 comment:

JSC said...

I am going to have to bring this sitting around stuff to an end!
