Saturday, July 31, 2010


Summertime doesn't get more fun than playing with the grand kids. We took Alex to the fair to see the bull riding. He loves it and so do we. Here he is standing right next to the fence. He's right in front of that dad holding his baby.

We like looking at the 4-H animals, big and small and in this case---weird.
Alex had to check out the #1 thing on Grandpa Jim's wish list.
Kevin and I took Addy and Sophie to the fair also. It looks like they are lovin' this crazy swinging carnival ride, but . . .

. . . a closer look reveals Kevin holding onto his stomach, Sophie has her eyes closed and Addy, of course, texting.
More rides

Summertime gives time for jumping on the trampoline.
We find ways to stay cool---- at the Cool Pool, that's Sophie coming down the slide.
Kelly, Chris and Dylan and Max (dog) came to visit Sat. through Wed. They brought the hot weather with them. Here's Dylan cooling off in our backyard pool.
He had an "accident" in his swim trunks, so we put him in the garage sink to get cleaned off. He has Toy Story swim trunks and he says "Woody" so cute.

We cooled off with a Popsicle, Dylan's favorite way to cool off, I believe.

Cooling off in Grandma's pump fountain.
One of Addy's favorite things to do. Drive around on our property. This was the first time she got to drive the family car.
She's pretty happy with herself.
The main reason Kelly and Chris came was to show the girls their brand new 3 month old puppy named Max. Chris and Kelly didn't tell the girls they got a puppy while the girls were up here in Oregon visiting their dad. Here's how the first meeting went.

They are very excited. Max is a Minature Pincher. He's 8 lbs and will get to be 10-15 pounds. He's way cute!!
We all loved having him here.

Here's the little Max boy.
First family-dog photo.
Jim fell in love with Max, taking him out on daily walks, showing him the turkey nest, talking to him, playing ball, cuddling, napping and lovin' on him. I was getting fearful that our "we are done having pets" stage was going to be upset.
All the grand kids love bathing in our jaquizzi tub. Dylan keeps letting the water out slowly and it makes a funny sound. Watch how insulted he gets when I ask him if he's gassing in the water.

Last day of July, summertime clean up. We pressure washed the house and washed all the windows and screens.
On the last weekend in August, Jim and I will be making a trip to Yuba City to have a grand kids all-in-one-birthday party. 3 grand kids have August birthdays, then Dylan and Owen turn 2 in Sep. and Oct. So we decided we would do 1 trip and 5 birthdays in 1 weekend. So we won't see Payton and Owen till the end of August, but here's a picture of them.
Payton helping her Aunt Courtney will her cow at the fair.
Owen at the park, he loves the outdoors.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

I loved your post Mom. It was nice seeing Alex in some pictures. :) He's home in 6 days!! Those videos were a crack up. Good times...