Monday, October 25, 2010


The signs of Fall are everywhere and Winter is just around the corner. Most the leaves are gone from the trees. Hard rain is pounding outside. The garden is tilled up and covered with plastic.

Last weekend, Jim made a ditch with the ditch witch. It goes from the spring to the pond. It is already
putting water in the pond.
We got much needed fresh gravel on the driveway.

And one last important Fall event, Kevin's birthday. He is 28 years old. We put together an emergency car kit to keep in his car.
He wanted me to try this new recipe. Pumpkin pie with a nutty brown sugar topping. At first I thought it sounded weird, but it was yummmmmy.
Hope you are enjoying Fall. We are supposed to have a hard winter in this area. We shall see.


The Smith Family said...

Owen enjoyed the dump truck video. He also pointed to the pie and said, "I want it!" :) Many projects checked checked checked off that list!

Kelly Burks said...

Happy Birthday Kev! Looks like you are all ready for winter. We still have leaves on the trees here. But I know it's coming.

JasPam said...

Looks like you guys have been busy with yard/home projects and Kev's Birthday. I remember the day he was born! We brought you a jackolantern with flowers in it! You have a wonderful family and much to be grateful for!