Monday, January 17, 2011


As Kevin has been clearing brush, blackberries, limbing and cutting trees, he has found about a dozen springs. This one is the most active. Last summer we trenched a path to the pond. You can see the spring in the foreground, trenches on both sides and the pond in the upper left, just beyond the trees.

It just amazes me that it can just come up out of the ground, with such force.

This weekend, Jim and I went to a 2-hour outdoor class in the rain. It was in Eugene at Thistledown Farms. It was on pruning fruit trees and blueberries. The information and handout were very good and we learned a lot standing in the rain and mud with our umbrellas.
I forgot to bring my camera to Thistledown Farms, but I want to go back in the spring. The place had a big country barn store and in Fall they have a pumpkin patch event.


The Smith Family said...

Im curious to see if the pond will stay full through the summer?? Fill it with rock at the bottom and have a swimming hole! :)We are supposed to have temps in the mid 60s all week. We will see...

The Smith Family said...

Im curious to see if the pond will stay full through the summer?? Fill it with rock at the bottom and have a swimming hole! :)We are supposed to have temps in the mid 60s all week. We will see...