Saturday, January 1, 2011


One day we stayed close to home and hung out at the park by Crystal's house. Little brother likes to copy big brother.

Grandpa built forts with the grandkids.

Owen and I went for a walk in his neighborhood to check out the Christmas lights. All of us also drove to a neighborhood by Kelly's house that has tons of lighted houses.
The reason for the season. Merry Christmas!
Another thing we did, while we were hanging out, was listen to Sophia play the violin. Sophia is beginning violin lessons at school. It's the first time we got to listen to her play. She had a violin recital a few days before we got there. You'll recognize what she's playing

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Good Job Soph! That is the cutest pic of Owen and Papa at the park. Owen is actually smiling and looking at the camera. Dad looks cute too! :)