Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sophie turned 10 years old on Jan. 8th. We stole the 3 grandkids from their dads on Tues., the 4th to celebrate Sophie's birthday. We went to the bowling alley and bowled a few games, ate dinner and played in the video game room.

Addy brought along her new Christmas present, the I-touch. As you can see Alex and even grandpa had to play with it while waiting their turn to bowl.
We had fun in the video game room.

We had cupcakes and
presents. Sophie got an American Doll for Christmas and this present is for the doll.
Afterward, the girls' dad wasn't home yet, so we dropped in on Penny. She used to be Sophie's daycare provider. Sophie loves to go visit her when Sophie comes to Oregon. We had a nice visit with Penny, catching up on old times.
Happy Birthday double digit girl. At 10 years old, you passed me up in height, but I still love you, grandma.
Sophie playing Sophie almost getting a spare.

Sophie scores on grandpa.


The Smith Family said...

Looks like they had fun. Glad Alex got to go too. Were celebrating here tonight also! :)

Kelly Burks said...

Looks like it was a fun time with the grandkids. And I'm so glad you got to go see Penny. I miss her and I know Soph does too, so that worked out great.