Wednesday, May 4, 2011


April and May are good months. This is me on my birthday. I got lots of good gifts and fun cards and 1 prank, which we won't discuss. Jim's birthday is on May 1st. And we celebrated our 35th anniversary on April 23rd. But Jim ended up with the best birthday present.
For years and years, Jim would ask for a tractor. So several years ago we gave him the little green tractor that is in his hand.
We told our neighbor 4 years ago, "If you ever want to sell your tractor, we're interested." Last week, he knocked on our door. As you can see, by the picture below, "the rest is history."

Here's Owen on his tractor and Jim and Payton on Jim's. I have nicknamed Jim "Kubota Jim".

He bought the tractor the same week the grandkids were here, so first things first, they all needed a ride. And grandpa had fun driving. Please don't report us to OSHA.

Cracks me up how Owen is using boths hands and looking over his shoulder, like he's really backing up the tractor.

The girls had a fun time. Addy in Kevin's hat pretending to be a cowgirl.

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