Sunday, June 19, 2011


I actually got some quilting done in May and June. Crystal wanted me to make some table runners for her. These are 2 of them.

Got some weeding done. In the foreground there are strawberries and blueberries (weeded). Beyond that are raspberries (unweeded and almost unseen)

Planted the garden in May and it's growing, hooray.

Kevin did a TON of tree trimming and blackberry chopping over the winter. We've lived here 6 years and can finally walk in areas we've never been able to walk on because of the massive overgrowth. We took his piles and burned them. Jim told me I "overlit" this pile. Guess he was right. You can see how tall the flames went in relation to Jim's height, he's on the right side of the pile.

There's more work and lots of tractor work for Jim, but just about the time things begin to dry up another rain storm comes in. Rain rain go away, come again. . . . . . . . in about 6 months.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Yes, Mom! Pretty sure the fire department got a call on that one! :) I love my table runners. Thank you thank you thank you!