Sunday, January 8, 2012


One day on our Christmas Break, we went to Old Town Sacramento. It looks like an old city,

until you gaze down the street and see the new Sacramento.

It's a very fun place to visit.

You can drive or hitch your horse to the hitchin' post right next to the cobblestone streets and plank-wood sidewalks.

You can stroll through town in a horse-drawn buggy or

just "hoof it" to the closest candy store.

Jim REALLY was happy to be there, I just pushed the camera button at the wrong time.

SOOOOOOOOO many caramel apples, so little stomach room.

Another store had barrels and barrels filled with taffy and other wrapped candies.

There is an old fashioned shooting range, Dylan thought was fun.

Uncle Kevin showed him the shooting technique.

Shopping boutiques delighted Kelly and Crystal. Each bought something and here's Kelly modelling the scarf she bought.

The toy store were a big hit. Dylan shows his purchase of the "Rustler" rubber band gun.

This is the rubber band gun that Grandpa Jim wanted, "the Devastator". Notice it is displayed up high, out of the wanting-to-try-it-out hands of kids and adults.

There was a sternwheeler on the dock.

And trains at the station. Don't worry, that train isn't moving towards Owen.

End to a perfect day -- Jim and Dylan sacked out after a day at Old Town Sac.

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