Sunday, May 27, 2012


Crystal and Payton flew to Oregon the first weekend in May. It was Mom's Weekend at OSU. Kenzie Pittman asked Crystal to be her "mom" for the weekend.
Payton went to 2 birthday parties.  The first one was for Annie, her best bud. It was a Fancy Nancy "slumber" party. The kids came in PJs, had breakfast, and did slumber party activities. 
The party gang of giddy girls with their sleeping masks, under the white fancy tent with sleeping bags and pillows.
Fancy Nancy
Everyone got to have their nails painted, and had fancy stickers added. They are still "wet" in this picture so Payton is being extra careful.
 She decorated her own fancy crown.
 And everyone got a sleeping mask and slippers, so cute!! and fancy, I might add.
 The cupcakes were even displayed beautifully, with fancy banner, balloons and boa.

We also went to the OSU vet weekend. The vet school puts on a bunch of fun things to see and do.  Lots of people bring their dogs and Payton must have petted over 30 dogs.

It also happened to be Cinco de Mayo weekend and this pooch was dressed for it.
Payton dressed up like a vet and did "surgery" on this whale.
There were lots of large animals to pet.

I wanted to take this one home.
Face painting and Grandma Darla buying yummy treats.
We met up with Lindsey and Kenzie on campus for lunch.
It was a fast, furious and fancy weekend for all, but we loved every minute. It was a special time for Kenzie and Crystal to do all the OSU mom's weekend activities, while Grandma Darla and I had fun with Payton.  Hooray for girls!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Jim and I had our birthdays, me on the 21st and Jim on May 1st, then our anniversary on April 23.  We ate at the Depot, a great fish house, here in Albany on Jim's birthday.  Crystal and Payton flew in on the 3rd and gave Grandpa a belt for his birthday.  The old one was "done".
 The excited gift giver.
 Flowers from Jim for my birthday
 36 years of marriage! I must have married Jim when he was 1, he barely looks 36.
For my birthday, we went on a ride to Camp Dakota.  I've been wanting to check it out.  It was a gorgeous day for a ride.  On our way there we found our future residence.  The gate even has the letter "K".  Palm tree lined driveway. Maid's quarters to the right.  It's a shame the way some people have to live, soooo sad.

Camp Dakota had some fun stuff.
A paintball course.
 Crazy climbing places

 They have yurts with foosball and air hockey tables.
 On our anniversay, we started to plant our garden.  Potatoes and onions are in.  We were going to plant the whole thing, but our ol' bodies wore out and our enthusiasm gave up when we pulled back the plastic and found numerous mole hills!! But a few days ago Kevin caught one in a trap.  And he laid a few more traps.  Maybe we'll plant next week.
 There was a zipline at Camp Dakota.  I thought about trying it out, but chickened out.
I wanted to end with this local swimming hole by Camp Dakota. Yes, that is a rushing waterfall, then there's a single curb and the swimming area is right by the picnic table. There's nothing to stop someone from falling off the curb into the waterfall, a good 20 feet over the curbing, yikes!

Life is moving along and I'm so happy to be married to a great guy who loves me and I love him and we are so blessed.