Sunday, August 26, 2012


Also in May, my sister and brother-in-law, Loretta and Ron, came to visit us while we were in California.  We hadn't seen each other in a long time and had a super nice visit.

 Payton graduated from preschool and will be a big Kindergartener this Fall.
 4 teeth lost on the bottom. She's looking quite "gummy".  Maybe by December, all she'll want for Christmas is her 2 front teeth.
 Speaking of teeth, Addison got her 4 wisdom teeth out. Yes, this is a "before" picture. She had a bit of a rough time afterwards.
 Alex has been talking the GIRLS. He really growing up and he will be in his last year at Butte Vista this Fall, then onto High School in 2013.
 Also on June 12, 2012, Marty McFly arrived into "the Future".
 Our garden started producing.
 ONE inch blueberry.
 Father's Day. Kelly and Crystal made his day. Jim has wanted this nerf gun for a long time. It has a 35 round clip.

 Jim loves "nerfing" the grandkids and anyone else that will battle with him.
 Dylan had swim lessons at his daycare. He's ready to go, right down to having the goggles in position. He doesn't look to happy right now, but he loved the lessons.
 Isaac, our nephew got married. He's 3 months younger than Kevin (no pressure Kev).

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