Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A week after we got home from CA, the church play was on for 4 nights.  Jim has been overseeing it's production for the last 6 months. It was called "Savior of the World, Act II".  It was well done. Jim was a singing angel in the choir and Kevin was on the stage crew moving the set.
Jim is singing near center top of group.
The next weekend Jim had his siblings over for some family business. Paul, Jim, Annie, Pat and David is missing due to illness.
The next weekend was Easter.  Crystal's family arrived Easter evening, just in time for dinner.  But first things  first. The kids wanted a ride on Aunt Kelly's quad before eating.

Grandma Darla and Uncle Matthew came for dessert.
Pittmans came by to get Alex and Kenzie.
 We also had an egg hunt after dinner.  About 1/2 the eggs had money and here's Payton's reaction.

Kelly's family went to the Bay Area for Easter dinner with Chris' grandma and parents.

We actually dyed eggs on Monday and had a fun time.
  For the first few days, they did a lot of resting and hanging out. They all got the flu.
Tuesday was a little better.  They did some exploring around the yard. 
 By Wed., we went and did some fun things and that will be on our next blog. Hope your Easter was fun and filled with gratitude for what our Savior, Jesus Christ did for us.

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