Wednesday, January 28, 2009


THIRTY ONE YEARS AGO, on Jan. 29th, Kelly Coverstone was born, weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. and 20" long. She was born in Portland, Oregon. It was 5 weeks later, that Jim and I added a middle name - Kelly Ann Coverstone. Changing her birth certificate was no small task. Here she is at 1 day old. She was the most alert newborn, we'd ever seen.
She was a beautiful little girl. When strangers would tell her how pretty she was, she would glare and scowl at them. To this day, she still glares at you when she is not pleased.
This is the glare.
Kelly has always been and still is a daddy's girl.
At 2 years old, Kelly became a big sister. Kelly was always very helpful (except that time when Crystal was 2 years old and Kelly cut Crystal's hair and neatly put her hair in the trash can).

Kelly and Crystal, 2 1/2 and 9 months.
At 4 years and 9 months, Kelly became a big sister again.

She was an active little girl, always busy. Here she is at 4 1/2 , Baton Timber Twirler.
Wonder Woman was her idol. This was her Wonder Woman outfit. She loved taking swim lessons from Ilynn in the summer. Every year Ilynn would take these underwater shots of the kids.
We went camping every summer and she loved it. She enjoyed the outdoors and "daddy time".

She really loved these glasses from Disneyland. We all went for the first time when she was a Junior in high school.
We had a few pets over the years. A couple of cats, a dog and some gerbils. Murphy was Kelly's gerbil. Of course Crystal had to have a gerbil too. The pet shop guy assured me that both gerbils were boys. As you can see by our growing gerbil population, Murphy was really Murphette.
Kelly took piano lessons for 5 years. She was very good. Crystal and her played duets. Kelly even accompanied the school choir. She also sang in the choir in middle school and high school.
She was a cheerleader for three years in high school. We really enjoyed going to all the games. This is 10th grade.
11th grade.
The football team went to State in her Senior year and a new football stadium was erected. Before that happened, the Rebels had to play all their football games at their arch rival's football stadium when West was at "away games". The last 2 years, Kelly and Crystal were cheerleaders at 2 different high schools. Kelly-South Albany Rebels and Crystal-West Albany Bulldogs
This always made the civil war games lots of fun. Kelly graduated from South Albany in 1996.
Over the years she has had all kinds of hairdos. Long hair . . .
short hair . . . and foo foo hair.
She got her accounting degree from Linn Benton Community College. It has served her well, he has had many occupations using those skills. She is now a beautiful young woman, a great wife, a super mom AND a year older. Happy 31st birthday to a wonderful daughter that we love very much!! mom and dad.

If you'd like, you can tell Kelly happy birthday at . But whatever you do, don't ask her why she doesn't like llamas.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Kelly and Crystal sent some cute pictures of the grand kids that we would like to share. Anything "princess", Payton loves. Here's Princess Maddie and Princess Payton.
Dylan has been infatuated with his tongue since day one.
Daddy and Dylan having some "man time".
Owen in his bumbo seat. I have said many times, I would love to be the guy that invented this simple, easy and light to carry, very useful bumbo seat.
Addison and Sophia, a cute sisters picture!
Dylan, a happy little fellow. That smile could melt the coldest heart.
Alex, the super great big brother.
Cousins, the dynamic duo.
Christmas present to Owen. He's too sweet to have "horns".
Smiling in the submarine that we toured in Portland at OMSI.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Kevin is our main man for mole maintenance. There was a mole mound on Wed. and on Sunday, no more mole mound. Kevin is in his suit because he checked the trap right after church. When he checked the trap the mole was moving still, but well . . . I guess you could say Kevin is dressed for a mole funeral.This old fashion trap, that Kevin borrows from the neighbor works better than anything that is currently on the market. Thanks Kevin!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; you make me happy when skies are gray . . . " I know this song is about a person, but today I am dedicating it to the actual SUNSHINE. I think the last time we saw sunshine here was several weeks ago. We have had cold gray days for much too long. I went outside this morning at 8:30 and didn't come in until 5:30. I don't know if the temp got higher than 40 degrees, but good ol' Mr. Sun was shining and for that I say "HOORAY!" I dug a short ditch, fixed a section of our driveway, cleaned up the burn pile and cut and stacked some wood on the woodpile. Jim was inside trying to get some rest. He has had a cold all week, gone to work, been gone every evening (except Mon.) with church business, and put together a funeral for a Ward member that died and then conducted the funeral this morning. Rest was mandatory for Jim today.This is Mount Jefferson, that we can see from our backyard. It was a beautiful sight today against the blue sky! Hope your weekend is going great, take care.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Crystal and 5 of our 6 grandkids headed back home to California on Sat, Jan. 10th.They all got ready in the morning and then Jim and I drove them to the airport. Good bye, Sophia and Owen.
Goodbye Addy and Payton.
Goodbye Alex and Crystal. One of the stewards on the jet asked Crystal if all 5 kids were hers!

The night before they left, Grandma Darla invited us to Pizza King so we could all get together one more time and Crystal could see her friends.Here's Lyndsey, Crystal, Jessica and Nicole.
There was face painting and a play area. Here's Payton and her friends, Maddie and Annie.
Annie and Payton choose how they want their faces painted.
Payton and her friends almost fell asleep getting their faces painted. It was halarious to watch how relaxed they were. Almost like a face massage.
Here are the 3 little cuties, 2 butterflies and 1 ladybug.
Madam Butterfly Payton.
Bye Bye, grandma kathy and grandpa jim miss you already!!