Friday, January 2, 2009


Our New Year got off to a better than usual start with a visit from Crystal and her children. They flew in on Dec. 30th, so Alex could spend the last 1/2 of his Christmas break with his dad. Alex went to his dad's on Dec. 31st. and Crystal will be staying with us. This was Owen's first plane trip. He was good, except for the "diaper blowout" at 12,000 feet.On New Year's Eve, Crystal and her friends went to the Hoof and Holler at the fairgrounds. It is a rodeo with bull riding and a dance afterwards. They stayed for the rodeo only and she was home about 10:00. Payton and I played and Owen slept the whole time Crystal was gone. Jim had to chaperone the church dance, so I had to wait to kiss my honey after midnight.
New Year's day was spent watching football (The Rose Bowl was a big disappointment. Where was Penn State's game?). We are still sulking about the Beavers not making it there. Anyway, we played guitar hero, which I am horrible at, watched movies, ate goodies and just hung out.
On New Year's day, Owen turned 3 months old. He is 17 lbs. 7 oz.! He is a chunky, happy little fellow. He looks like his daddy, but his hair stands up straight, just like Crystal's did at this age. It looks like a mini crew cut.

Owen gets a New Year's kiss from Payton. Have a great New Year and we hope it is filled with good health, love and laughter.

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