Sunday, July 19, 2009


On Friday, we took Alex to the fair. He loved the bull riding. At first, he was in the bleachers with us. Then he and Kevin went down on the arena floor, but he sat on a fence that was a little way away from the bulls. By the end of the evening, he was right up next to the fence where the bulls were. It was fun to watch him and the bull riding.It was still so hot. This long hair is a new thing for Alex. When he gets sweaty, he can twist the sides and it stays. I think he looks a little like Shrek.
So we tried to stay cool with snow cones.

We went to the 4-H barns and saw the animals. Little baby, BIG mama.How are ewe?
They had exotic animals. We talked Kevin into holding this 110 pound albino burmese python. That's the python's head in Kevin's hand.
Alex was fasinated with this tank of baby alligators.

Petting zoo--I liked the llama's hairdos.

Bounce house fun. Even though it was hot, Alex climbed in this thing a bunch of times.

What's the fair without the carnival rides?

You can hear the "excitement" in Alex's voice in this video. Its a little hard to see the bull in this video, but he is bucking all over the place in the chute. When they let him out, the cowboy doesn't stay on long and his hand gets stuck in the rope after he falls off. Toward the end of the video, the bull lowers his head, strokes the dirt with his front hooves, just like in the cartoons.

We all had a great time. Hope your summer is going well.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Wow Mom, that looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for taking Alex. Fun! See you in a couple of weeks! :)