Saturday, September 12, 2009


Dylan Robert Burks was born on Sep. 12th. He was greeted with much happiness by everyone.
Above picture is daddy Chris and below is Dylan. Strong gene pool.

A few "rare" pics of Dylan sleeping. He is getting better, but not a great sleeper.

Dylan likes mommy's milk, the jowls say it all.

Cereal, didn't like it so much at first.
Dylan likes his tongue, and is always finding it.

Mr. D likes to wear big boy clothes like dad

He found his smile at a pretty young age, much to all of our delights.

He loves getting around, his mom was the same way.

Some holidays for Dylan.

Mr. D liked summer time, hanging out with grandpa.

visiting Grandpa and Grandma Burks at their house and going to the redwoods hanging out in the jumperoo


baseball games

This is Dylan's favorite place to ride

Howdy partner, Mr. D can be a "little" expressive

Dylan, you have been a fun grandson and we wish you a Happy big #1 birthday, love grandma and grandpa


The Smith Family said...

Cute Mom. Cant believe he's 1 now! That means O is right behind him. It doesnt seem possible that a year has flown by!?!

Kelly Burks said...

Oh Mom, I love the post. I just saw it. This year went fast. It's been filled with lots of sleep-lost nights, but he is so sweet.

Elena said...

Hello Jim & Kathy!!! You have a beatiful family. Congrats!!!! We always remember you with love. Our prayers are with you and we wish everything will go fine with Jim. We 'll put his name in Seattle Temple.
May the Lord bless you always.
Carlos & Elena Marapodi