Sunday, October 11, 2009


Owen Ryan Smith was born on October 1, 2008. He came into this world fairly quickly, which made his mom and dad happy. He was one year old on Oct. 1st and grandma is 11 days late in posting his birthday tribute. Sorry O! We do love you lots!!

Sweet disposition.
2 days old and ready to head home.

Owen made grandbaby #6 for us.
Halloween was Owen's first holiday.
First trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch, a family tradition.
Owen wanted to be a Bee. He is with his friend, Ava.
In November Grandma Darla got to meet Owen for the first time.
Christmas eve at the Smith home.Owen is a Jordan fan.
But he has been an OSU Beaver fan from day one.

Go Beavs!!
Beavers rock and "roll" (check out my tummy).

Owen is a smiley baby and here's one of his first smiles.
This shirt says it all!!
This picture shows why Jim and I call him "the Brick". He is one solid baby.3 months old

Owen is a thinker.
He is debonair in his cap.

and silly in other hats.
Owen loves his family. 4 generations of Smiths. Mom and Dad Big Brother, Alex

and big sister, Payton.

Owen loves his grandmas and grandpas. He loves his aunt and uncles and cousins.

Owen thinks Tonka trucks are cool.

He likes the snow.
He likes swimming

and swinging.

He likes going on vacation with his familyand coming to Albany to see both his grandparents and his friendsHe likes the grass, which is unusual, most babies don't like the feel of it.

Owen likes exploring.

He likes driving . . . in his own backyard.

He enjoys 4-wheelin'

He is growing up so fast, he even went to the barber for his first haircut.

Jim and I and Darla and Chris were able to travel down on Oct. 1st for Owen's birthday. We had a family dinner on that night.

He liked his birthday dinner!
He liked the presents, but it took him a while to figure out about opening them.
He LOVES balls.
He was getting tired by dessert time. He wasn't sure about the birthday cupcake and candle. And he cried when we all sang "Happy Birthday". He has always been sensitive to loud noise.

Overall he liked his birthday. His birthday party was on Oct. 3rd and I will post the party later. We love you Owen, grandpa and grandma!!!


The Smith Family said...

Super cute Mom! You have been a bit busy these days.... I am sure Owen will forgive you for the later than usual post. ;)That was fun to look at.

JasPam said...

I can't believe the number of places Owen has been in his brief life! You have such terrific pictures and are such a wonderful Grandmother! Loved the historial post of photos!