Friday, January 8, 2010


Sophia Marie (she has MY middle name) is 9 years old today. She was supposed to be a Christmas eve baby, but missed the mark by being about 2 weeks overdue. She was 8lbs. 7 oz and a real cutie.

People often told Kelly that Sophie reminded them of the Gerber baby. She's 3 months old here.6 months

She's one year old and holding up 1 finger.
I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite pictures at 18 months old.

I love the lady-like pose in this one.
2 years old, "Watch out world!"3 years old and full of life.
She always wanted to have Kelly straighten those adorable curls.
At age 4, Sophia was watching Oprah. Oprah got her ears pierced at age 50 and Sophia decided she wanted her ears pierced "like Oprah". She kept asking and asking and finally Kelly took her down and here's a picture of her pierced ears. Sophia likes jewlery in general, necklaces and braclets too.

Starting to grow up.

Sophia really grew up fast this year.Some of the things Sophie likes are the park
Animals and some she is allergic to, but she still loves 'em.
She enjoys gymnastics.

She likes soccer.She loves spending time with her dad in Oregon.
She likes swimming.

Sophia likes bowling and she even went bowling today on her 9th birthday.
When she was a baby, Penny used to do daycare. When Sophia comes to visit to Oregon, she always tries to get in a visit with Penny.
Sophia LOVES sugar! She loves anything with sugar, like this sugar cookie, and candy and pop and sugar cereal and . . . well you name it and if it has sugar in it, this girl loves it.
I think Halloween might be one of her favorite holidays because of the CANDY
She likes the snow and
the beach. Especially the beach at Grandma and Grandpa Burks house.

Sophie likes face painting too, what kid doesn't like that?
Sophie has a lot of friends. This is Kaylee. She is the only friend that is almost as tall as Sophie.
Sophia, Payton and Miko one of her shortest friends. She lives next door.
Sophie with her Oregon friends.
These girls are all the same age as Sophia.

So how tall is Sophie at age 9, 5 foot!
She's never quite sure what to do with those long legs.
She loves her family. She admires her big sister, Addy.

She loves to entertain her little brother and her little cousins.

Her cousin Alex and her are very much alike. They are "2 peas in a pod". They have a lot of the same likes and dislikes and even look a little bit alike.

Sophie, Grandpa and Grandma would like to say, "We think Nine is Fine!"

and we want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and we love you!!


Kelly Burks said...

Thank you for the picture posting Grandma. I love the diaper one (the lady-like pose at 18 mo.) thanks for putting it on there! Love you, Sophia

Kelly Burks said...

I love the birthday posts you do Mom. They always bring back great memories. My little girl isn't so little anymore.

The Smith Family said...

OH those curls! They were so darn cute! Very fun to look back Mom.