Sunday, April 18, 2010


This weekend, Jim and I went to the Wooden Shoe Bulb Company in Woodburn, about 40 minutes from our house. It is a beautiful place with lots to do for all ages.

Guess who?
Here's who.
It's called the Wooden Shoe because the Iverson family is from Holland. They are our friends. They have been farming the ground for 60 years and this is the 25th anniversary of the Tulip Festival. These wooden shoes are a little big for Jim, but . . . . . .
you can find just the right size in the gift shop. Our friend, Nels, knows how to carve them. It is a family tradition.
There are fun things to do at the tulip festival, like photo op moments,
ducky races, by propelling your ducky down the rain gutters using the hand pump for water,
all kinds of fun activities, like the jump and bump houses, vendors, yummy food, animal petting
the tulip shoe ride,
and my personal favorite, the Cow Train. Notice there are as many adults as kids on this ride.
But the BEST part is the TULIPS!!!! LOTS of gorgeous tulips. The multi colored ones are Jim's favorite.
There are so many varieties.

My favorite were the purple ones.

So BEAUTIFUL, tulips as far as the eye could see.

There were also several old tractors. Jim really liked that. We sure had a fun day together. Hope you are also enjoying the signs of spring.


Meredith W said...

Great post Kathy! Those tulips look beautiful. It's been a long time since I've been to the tulip festival and it looks like I need to go back soon!

The Smith Family said...

Gorgeous! I love tulips. My favorite are the purple too mom. :) See you soon!

Kelly Burks said...

It's so pretty. What do they do with the flowers? Sell them there? To stores? I remember riding the cow train.