Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Weather, weeds and wildlife--WOW. Those are the things we have been guarding the garden from. The WEATHER has been outrageous! We got the garden in about the end of April. Then it rained and hailed really hard in June. The plants had just started doing well and after the HARD rain and hail, it literally pulverized several of the plants and I had to replant.
WEEDS are the worst! The picture below reminds me of one of those "Where's Waldo" pictures. Go ahead, just try and find the one viable vegetable in this mess.
So the weeding has commenced. If the rows had been wide enough, I would have considered using a lawnmower for weeding. We have a vegetable garden and a berry patch. Both sections are about 18' x 50'. LOTS of weeds!!
I am hoping the veges and berries will do a little better since they don't have to compete with the weeds for sunlight and water. The bees might actually be able to pollenate the plants.
WILDLIFE munchers. We thought we had a good deer proof garden. We were wrong. They were just waiting for the plants to ripen and get big enough for the "full meal deal". Jim told me the 2 places that were the weak spots in our fence and that is exactly where the deer entered. They ate the tops off of the beans, peas and tomatoes.
Then moved over to the broccoli, pictured below. It was about 18" tall. They ended their smorgasbord by leveling the lettuce.
So I sewed the nets together with twine and fixed the bottom fencing with the bird netting.
It's been 3 days since we've had a deer in the garden. I hope we finally have it sealed off OR they are just waiting for things to grow back OR they are waiting until the weeding is done and then they can find their favorite things more easily. Happy Gardening to you and if you don't have a garden, we may see each other at the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning.


The Smith Family said...

Wow Mom! That's A LOT of weeds! Doesnt look like fun to clean those up! At least the deer problem sounds to be under control. :) I love your background. I cant figure out how to change mine!

Kelly Burks said...

Looks like you have things under control now. I love that feeling. I can't figure out how to change my font colors anymore. I don't like the latest update to blogger. It seem more difficult. I can show you how to change the background Crystal. Love you Mom. I'm glad to hear things are ok for Dad.