Thursday, December 30, 2010


We left for CA on Dec. 18. We had good road conditions most the way. We went to Kelly's house for about an hour and then we all left to go to Payton's ballet recital. Her group were dancing reindeers (you can see the antlers in her hair). She is holding a bouquet of flowers from her Grandpa Mike.

This was taken before the performance. Payton looks happy, but the little girl behind her has that "reindeer in the headlights" look. Pre-performance jitters I suppose.

Then we went back to Crystal's for an hour and left to go to Alex's indoor soccer game. He is #6 in a yellow shirt. He is loving indoor soccer. It was fun to watch. I loose him for a short while on the video, check out how short the referee's shorts are--yikes!

We went back to Chris and Kelly's house for some rest to the end of a busy day. We stayed at their house for 1/2 the week and Ryan and Crystal's house the rest of the week.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

It was a lot of fun to have you here! Thanks for all your help around the house and good visits! Love you. xo