Thursday, December 1, 2011


We hosted Thanksgiving this year. I don't know why, but I really like to host Thanksgiving.

Burks, with Sophie hiding behind Kelly.
Hard to believe these 2 boys are 3 years old now!

Dylan's shirt says "Gobble, Gobble" and that's what we did all day, plus a few days afterwards.

It was too wet to do our annual Turkey Shoot, so we found other things to do, like air hockey.

And a brrrr cold tractor ride.
My two toooo tall granddaughters. Addy 15 and Sophie 11 next month in January.

Ryan's folks.

Alex's grandma Grace.

We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The next day we went to this place in Corvallis called Wacky Bounce. Kelly and her kids went with us. It is a big building filled with all kinds of bouncy toys. Here's the biggest kid (and a little wacky). Although, I must admit, the grandkids had twice as much fun with grandpa Jim chasing, bouncing, jumping, rolling, and just being a little crazy with them.

Action shot of Sophia.

A little rest needed from time to time. That night after we went home, Jim kept saying, "That really wore me out!" And seeing him in action would not make you wonder why.
Addy in the tiger's mouth.

This was a fun place, as you can see by the videos.

See the 4 people in this video. Who has the biggest smile and looks like he's having the most fun. Watch the video, and you be the judge.

After bouncing around, we went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. They have the best coutons in the world in the salad bar . . . well maybe not the world, but they are yummy!

On Saturday, we had a photographer (Crystal's friend) come out to the house and we took family pictures. We haven't seen the results yet, but I think they will be good. This was the reward for enduring 2 hours of picture taking, plus lots of Smarties candies for adults and kids.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and that your holiday season will be merry.

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