Sunday, January 8, 2012


Jim was really happy to ring in the New Year. You know you're getting old when you want to stay home and make your own party with your family.
Ryan and Crystal.

Chris was on duty, but found time to come have dinner and then later to have dessert with us. We were glad to have him join us, Kelly looks extra happy.

Kelly, Crystal and I went shopping together for our New Year's Eve feast. I've never had such a meal on New Year's Eve. King crab, shrimp, tri-tip, twice baked potatoes, and tons of other yummies.

Cute cousins say Happy New Year.

This is what happens when you eat your ice cream too quickly . . . brain FREEZE!

The new year did not bring in a fortune for these 2 gamblers. Ryan got them scratch its and Owen's face shows their "winnings".

We took time to hang out and make a last of the year visit.

The kids were starting to slow down after

playing outside and

and shooting off poppers.

They also rocked out with Dick Clark's New Year's Eve countdown. They danced with Niki Manaj.

At 11, Kelly and Dylan headed home. Kevin, Jim, Ryan and the kids went to bed.

But these 2 made it to


1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

We did eat like kings and queens. SO YUMMY. The New Year has not been healthy for us. Owen had bronchitus, and Pay and I just went to the dr. We have strep throat... Health next month?? ;)