Monday, May 30, 2011


Jim decided he wanted to go visit Williamette National Cemetery in Portland today. His dad, mom and twin uncles and aunt are buried there. As you can see from this line of cars, many others joined us in paying respect to these military men and women.
The front gates.

All the armed forces insignias--Army, Navy, Marine Corp., Coast Guard, and Air Force.

In the office, there are the flags and

3 cases of memorabilia.

Every single grave honored with a flag.

Jim standing by his dad and mom's grave marker.

This is what the grave marker looked like when we got there . . . .

and what it looked like after we cleaned it up and added flowers from our yard.

Jim's uncleand his uncle's twin brother and his wife.

This is an interesting picture, look closely and thank these men for our freedom.

Jim has a sad, but interesting story about Jim's dad, Lanar and his older brother, Robert. The 2 brothers were both serving in World War II and had a chance to meet up with each other. Both brothers were serving in England. Lanar made arrangements through the "chain of command" to go see Robert. Within 3 days of the reunion, Robert's plane collided with another B-17 in the fog over southern England. So the 4th and oldest Coverstone brother is buried in Cambridge, England.


JasPam said...

Wonderful post! Love it! Jason's Dad is buried in the Willamette National Cemetery, then his Mom, grandparents, and some uncles are buried across the way in the Lincoln National Cemetery. That is quite a story about Jim's Dad! Thanks for sharing.

The Smith Family said...

Good post Mom.